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“machine learning” tag.

Articles with this tag

The cost function in logistic regression

Preparing the logistic regression algorithm for the actual implementation. written on October 29, 2017

Introduction to classification and logistic regression

Get your feet wet with another fundamental machine learning algorithm for binary classification. written on July 17, 2017

How to optimize the gradient descent algorithm

A collection of practical tips and tricks to improve the gradient descent process and make it easier to understand. written on April 01, 2017

Multivariate linear regression

How to upgrade a linear regression algorithm from one to many input variables. written on March 05, 2017

The gradient descent in action

It's time to put together the gradient descent with the cost function, in order to churn out the final algorithm for linear regression. written on February 18, 2017

The gradient descent function

How to find the minimum of a function using an iterative algorithm. written on February 05, 2017

Linear regression with one variable

Finding the best-fitting straight line through points of a data set. written on April 01, 2016

Introduction to machine learning

What machine learning is about, types of learning and classification algorithms, introductory examples. written on March 12, 2016